The following recent Research Articles from AHSI have been made available to readers for download in open access:
AHSI 2023 II
- Ilaria Maggiulli, Il Collegio dei nobili di Napoli e Giovan Battista Manso (1567–1645): “Una radunanza de’ giovani per buona educazione nelli costumi e buone creanze, nelle lettere e scienze“ [full article]
- Review Essay. Enrique García Hernán, Ignacio de Loyola y las mujeres (1491–1524): algunas puntualizaciones [full article]
AHSI 2023 I
- Alexandre Coello de la Rosa y Luis J. Abejez, Bernardo Bitti y Diego Martínez: dos protagonistas de la pastoral de los jesuitas en Perú entre los siglos XVI y XVII [full article]
- Notes and News in Jesuit History [full article]
AHSI 2022 II
- Daniel Canaris, Thierry Meynard SJ, Robert Danieluk SJ, Two Letters of Francesco Brancati in Exile at Canton (1668–69) [full article]
- Review Essay. Christoph Sander, Jesuit Science Revisited: Scope, Usefulness, and Challenges of a Historiographical Label [full article]
AHSI 2022 I
- Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ, Reconocimiento de la santidad de Ignacio de Loyola, 1556–1622 [full article]
- Bradley T. Blankemeyer, Conversos, Accommodation, and the Goan Inquisition: The First Five Decades of the Society of Jesus in India, between Theory and Practice [full article]
- Research Notes. Antony Mecherry SJ, On the Errors of the East Syrians (by Francisco Ros SJ, 1586): An Introduction with English Translation of a Latin-Syriac Treatise from Early Modern Malabar [full article]
- Research Notes. Agustín Udías SJ, The Society of Jesus and the Sciences in the Modern Era: A Finding List of Books by Jesuits in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences (1814–2015) [full article]
AHSI 2021 II
- Thomas Flowers SJ, Understanding the Early Jesuit Context of “Our Way of Proceeding” [full article]
- Gabriel María Verd Conradi SJ, Compañía de Jesús y Militia Iesu Christi: su sentido ignaciano en la primera Compañía [full article]
- Research Notes. Lydia Salviucci Insolera, La quinta finestra del Corridoio di S. Ignazio. Nuove scoperte e considerazioni [full article]
AHSI 2021 I
- Thierry Meynard SJ e Yang Hongfan, To Wear or Not to Wear a Hat During Mass? The Canton Conference and Giovanni Francesco de Ferrariis SJ’s Report of 1668 [full article]
- Elisa Frei, Muzio Vitelleschi Replies to Litterae Indipetae: Two Case Studies from the Austrian Province in the Seventeenth Century [full article]
- Leonardo M. Fernández Otaño y Alexis A. Carmona Herrera, La práctica deportiva en los colegios jesuitas en Cuba entre 1854 y 1940 [full article]
AHSI 2020 II
- Bert Daelemans SJ. La primera imagen del examen de conciencia en la espiritualidad ignaciana: orar con el Via vitae Aeternae (1620) de Antonius Sucquet SJ [full article]
- Guglielmo Pireddu SJ. Gli studi superiori nel collegio di Santa Croce a Cagliari (1606–1773) [full article]
AHSI 2020 I
- Miguel Gabriel Garí Pallicer. La alimentación en el Colegio jesuita de Montesión de Palma de Mallorca: cultura,productos y prácticas (1561–1715) [full article]
- Lorenzo Mancini. I bibliotecari del Collegio Romano (1551–1873): un contributo per la storia delle biblioteche della Compagnia di Gesù [full article]
- Living History. John W. O’Malley SJ, Jesuit History and Me [full article]
AHSI 2019 II
- Thierry Meynard SJ. Could Chinese Vegetarians be Baptized? Part 2: The Canton Conference and Prospero Intorcetta SJ’s Report of 1668. [full article]
- Eneko Ortega Mentxaka. Del «gran escenario de la palabra» al «gran escenario de la imagen»: la evolución del programa iconográfico de la casa profesa-colegio de San Ignacio de Valladolid. [full article]
- Review Essay. Liam Matthew Brockey. Comprehending the World: Jesuits, Language, and Translation. [full article]
- Living History. Paul Begheyn SJ. Memoirs of Someone who is ‘Addicted’ to Jesuit History. [full article]
- Research Notes. Robert Danieluk, SJ. From Failure to Success: The Jesuit Mission in Zambia and the Sources for its History in the Jesuit Roman Archives [full article with maps]
AHSI 2019 I
- Jessica Dalton. The Politics of Conversion: Antonio Possevino SJ, Rome and the Conversion of the Family of the French Ambassador to Venice (1601–1607). [full article][abstract]
- Yuval Givon. A Tale of Dynastic Change in China: The Ming-Qing Transition through Athanasius Kircher SJ’s China illustrata (1667). [full article][abstract]
- António Vitor Ribeiro. Dreams, Visions and a Taoist-Christian ‘Saint’ in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Records of the China Mission. [full article][abstract]
AHSI 2018 II
- David Aeby. Un antijésuitisme issu des missions d’Asie dans le diocèse de Lausanne: Les Lettres édifiantes et curieuses de l’abbé Pierre-François Favre (1746). [full article] [abstract]
- Ana Carolina Hosne. In the Shadow of Cathay: A Survey of European Encounters in Discerning, Mapping, and Exploring Tibet during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. [full article] [abstract]
- Living History. Paul F. Grendler. An Historian’s Journey to Jesuit Education. [full article]
AHSI 2018 I
- D. Gillian Thompson. The Jesuit Province of France on the Eve of its Destruction in 1762
- Thierry Meynard SJ. Could Chinese Vegetarians be Baptized? The Canton Conference and Adrien Grelon SJ’s Report of 1668.
AHSI 2017 II
- Javier Cía Blasco SJ. Las lecciones sobre la oración del P. Diego Laínez impartidas en Roma, 1557–1558.
- Cinzia Sulas. La riforma della Ratio studiorum di fronte al paradigma scientifico moderno. La prospettiva di Luigi Taparelli SJ, rettore al Collegio Romano (1824–1829)
AHSI 2017 I
- Orsolya Száraz. Tears and Weeping on Jesuit Missions in Seventeenth-Century Italy.
- Steffen Zierholz. Conformitas crucis Christi. Zum Motiv der Kreuzesnachfolge in der jesuitischen Druckgrafik des 17. Jahrhunderts im Licht der Vision von La Storta.
AHSI 2016 II
- Christoph Sander. Early-Modern Magnetism: Uncovering New Textual
Links between Leonardo Garzoni SJ (1543–1592), Paolo Sarpi OSM (1552–1623), Giambattista Della Porta (1535–1615), and the Accademia dei Lincei. - Elisa Frei. The Many Faces of Ignazio Maria Romeo SJ (1676–1724?), Petitioner for the Indies: A Jesuit Seen through his Litterae Indipetae and the Epistulae Generalium.
AHSI 2016 I
- Mario Zanardi SJ. Pietro Chiari “gesuita” (1731-1744): note e documenti.
- Claudia von Collani. The German Protestant Scholar Christoph Gottlieb von Murr (1733–1811) and his Defence of the Suppressed Society of Jesus.
- Anna Markiewicz. From Lviv to Paris: The Jabłonowski Brothers at the Jesuit Collège Louis-le-Grand, 1684–1686