Guidelines for submitting a book proposal

Guidelines for submitting a book proposal2024-05-31T12:23:58+02:00

Please send a brief but detailed description of the proposed book project.

The proposal should include the following information:

  • The author/s, editors of the proposed volume, with a brief statement of suitability for the task (e.g. including relevant publications on the topic; alternatively please include a brief one-page Curriculum Vitae)
  • The IHSI series for which the proposal is intended (Please see series overviews in our current catalogue)
  • An overview of the nature, scope, and objectives of the volume, along with a statement of its place in the current scholarship and its contribution to the field
  • an outline of the timeframe for the submission of the complete manuscript
  • An analytical summary of the structure of the volume, with a working table of contents, number and type of illustrations (if any) and approximate word- or page length
  • The language or languages in which the volume will be presented (manuscripts are considered for publication in the following languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German)
  • Statement of any funded assistance or other forms of assistance or collaboration

A publication agreement ordinarily is issued after a successful review process (double-blind peer review) of two sample chapters. In all cases, publication is conditional on the whole work being passed through the peer review process.

Please submit files as a Word document in Times New Roman font size 12, double spaced.

Please take note of the Style Guide for authors, the list of abbreviations and the indications about how to reference the fond  of the Old Society.

For more information, write to Publications Editor, Dr Camilla Russell gro.a1719753625irucj1719753625s@bbu1719753625p-isr1719753625a1719753625.

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